Peri’Op Chair

Creation and operation of a Perioperative Health Data Warehouse within the AP-HP EDS to detect, prevent and monitor cardiovascular and neurocognitive complications



Collaboration type

Research structure

Main objectives

The teams of the Anesthesia and Intensive Care Unit of the Lariboisière Hospital at the Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP) and of Inria-Saclay propose to use the whole of this perioperative period to carry out a complete and systematic screening of the cardiovascular and cerebral pathologies without adding an examination not necessary to the anesthetic management. This can be done in all patients during each anaesthesia during what could be called a sleep medical consultation for screening and monitoring of cardiovascular and neurocognitive risks.

The goal of the project is to create and operate a health data warehouse of the perioperative period (EDS Peri'oP) within the AP-HP health data warehouse. The Peri'Op EDS would include:
- data from the anesthesia record,
- high definition data of the whole monitoring of the intra-operative period
- as well as post-operative follow-up data.

This database analyzed by modern techniques using digital modeling and artificial intelligence will be able to:
→ Make systematic and therefore increase the number and effectiveness of cardiovascular and cerebral disease screenings,
→ Significantly reduce the impact of cardiovascular and cerebral diseases through early diagnosis,
→ To enable objective and reproducible follow-up of cardiovascular and cerebral diseases in the event of new anesthesia.

The Peri'Op chair is part of the Promice UHF.

Contact: rf.ph1737529980pa@ta1737529980yag.e1737529980nneit1737529980e1737529980
© Inria / Photo B. Fourrier



AP-HP, Inria

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Names of partners involved
AP-HP, Inria & Centrale Supélec

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