ARAMIS (Project-Team)

Algorithms, models and methods for images and signals of the healthy and pathological human brain

Collaboration type

Research structure

Main objectives

ARAMIS is a joint research project-team of the Brain Institute (ICM), CNRS, Inria, Inserm and Sorbonne University.

ARAMIS is composed of researchers, hospital-universities and teacher-researchers from Inria, Inserm, Sorbonne University, CNRS, and AP-HP.

The ARAMIS team is dedicated to the design of computational, mathematical and statistical approaches for the analysis of multimodal data from patients with brain diseases, with a focus on neuroimaging data. The main methodological areas of our team are: machine learning, statistical modeling of complex geometric data, connectivity and network analysis. These new approaches are applied to clinical research in neurological diseases in collaboration with other teams of the ICM, clinical services of the Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital and other hospitals of the AP-HP, and external partners. The team has a multidisciplinary composition, bringing together researchers in mathematics, computer science and engineering (N. Burgos, O. Colliot, B. Couvy-Duchesne, F. De Vico Fallani, S. Durrleman, D. Racoceanu) and clinicians (D. Dormont, S. Tezenas du Montcel)

We are developing various clinical applications of our research, in particular in neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, Parkinson's disease), multiple sclerosis, developmental disorders, strokes and to design brain-machine interfaces for rehabilitation.


ICM, Inria, CNRS, Inserm, Sorbonne Université

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Names of partners involved
AP-HP, Inria & Centrale Supélec

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